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Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Episode 6

Greetings geeks, here's episode 6 for your listening pleasure. As we mentioned in the show Peter and I both buy our comics from Discount Comic Book Service. http://www.dcbservice.com We save 35-50% on all of our comics and we get fantastic customer service. So if you want to save a few bucks each month, head on over.

Episode 6 on MP3

Show Notes:

First Thoughts Bryan finally has seen the Incredibles and we learn why he would never be Superman

Emails Thanks to Lee Morgan for sending us an email and getting us into a discussion on new Marvel characters

Toys Peter gushes over his Donna Troy Heroclix gift (and her new mini-series) while Bryan shows off his new Bullseye Marvel Legends 9 with Galactus’ Left Leg

Movie Coming Attractions Marlon Brando in the new Superman? And just who is the best Batman?

Stump the Rios Peter gets 1.5 out of 3

Top Writer/Artists Don’t you just hate those guys (and gals) who can do both? Come and find out why we love Walter Simonson, Frank
Miller, Dave Sim, Will Eisner, Stan Sakai, Jack Kirby, Wally Wood, Mike Mignola and more.

Websites mentioned: www.dcbservice.com

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Episode 5

Ok comic junkies, here's episode 5. Enjoy it. As mentioned in the show, be sure to check out Los Comic Geekos http://comicgeekos.blogspot.com if you are a comic fan and you speak Spanish. Also, keep sending us those trivia questions. Peter has been answering too many and he is starting to get a big head. comicgeekspeak@gmail.com

Episode 5 on MP3

Show Notes:

Guest Starring: Jamie Delassandro

Get to Know Us Bryan and Jamie talk about how they first met and Jamie hits us with his Top Five artist and writer list

Stump the Rios Peter gets real close to answering al three, getting 2.5 out of 3

Discussion Love him or hate him, John Byrne always create controversy. In this segment, Jamie, longtime Fantastic Four fan, talks about Byrne’s artwork on that series. As well as gives us something to think about for next Podcast conerning Top Five writer-artist (creator who does both).

Websites: www.peterdavid.net

Monday, March 21, 2005

Web Space

Hey loyal listeners,

If anybody out there has some web space they wouldn't mind lending me, please let me know. I'm running out of room and bandwidth on my server. Pretty soon I'm going to have to remove the older episodes from the server. My wish is to keep as many episodes available at a time, so if you have some space to share send us an email at comicgeekspeak@gmail.com


Friday, March 18, 2005


Ok peeps, I promised you I would post a picture of my Speedball costume. So please, don't send too many offensive emails.


Episode 4

Hey loyal listeners,

Here's our 4th episode. Make sure you get comfortable, as this one clocks in at about 45 minutes. What can we say? We were on a roll. Once again we would like to remind everyone that if you think you have a trivia question that can "Stump the Rios," please email it to us at comicgeekspeak@gmail.com.

Episode 4 on MP3

Show Notes:

Guest Starring: Kevin Moyer

Get to Know Us Kevin introduces himself and runs down his list of Top Five artists and writers

Important Dates in Comic History a look back on important dates for the month of March. Want to know when Allison Hannigan’s birthday is? Or when the Hulk TV series started? Or when Mark Waid was born? This segment is for you!

Stump the Rios Hosted by Kevin this time around, Peter is almost stumped with 1 out of 3 correct answers.

Discussion The three self-professed comic geeks talk about artists and the growing trend of late shipping books. What side are you on?

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Episode 3

Here's the third episode of Comic Geek Speak. The audio sounds much better than it ever has before. We are very pleased with the quality of this podcast. As mentioned in the show we want to give a very bigs thanks to Q at http://www.deltadreams.com
for composing the music that we are now using for our intro.

Episode 3 on MP3

Show Notes:

Guest Starring: Shane Mulholland

Top Five Artists & Writers Bryan, Peter and guest toy-junkie Shane list their Top Five picks in each category. Whose favorite writer is Keith Giffen? Whose favorite artist is John Romita Jr.? Whose favorite artist list has three hispanics on it? Haha. Also Bryan levels the room by calling attention to the Salvador Larocca artwork on X-Men.

Stump the Rios Peter, the DC nut, gets 3 out of 3 in this all Marvel segment. Complete with a new dance mix intro!

World of Toys Shane shows off his considerable knowledge of action figures with a run down of Palisades’ Muppet Figures, the upcoming Sesame Street figures, Marvel Legends Series 9 with Galactus, new Star Wars toys, etc.

Websites mentioned: www.deltadreams.com

Friday, March 11, 2005

Mixer Has Arrived

Fellow geeks,

My mixer has arrived. Pete and I will be recording another episode tomorrow so keep your eyes open.


Thursday, March 10, 2005

New Mixer

Hey everybody,

Just yesterday I won a Behringer Eurorpack UB802 Mixer on eBay for only $40. It has two powered mic amps so I should be able to pump up the volume. The line input on my iMac isn't amped so my mic level was way low. We should be recording another episode on Saturday, assuming the Fed-Ex guy gets here on friday. So stay tuned.


Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Episode 2

Hey everybody, we are back with the second episode of Comic Geek Speak. Hopefully the audio level will be a little louder on this one. I'm looking to borrow some equipment from my cousin to see if that will make a difference. If it does I may be selling some more books on eBay to pay for the additional hardware.

Episode 2 on MP3

Show Notes:

Get to Know Us Bryan and Peter discuss how they started reading comics and what was their first comic ever

Coming Attractions Spoiler free discussion of upcoming “events” such as DC Countdown, All-Star Superman, Defenders, House of M, etc.

Stump the Rios Peter gets 1.5 out of 3

Upcoming Movies Brief chat on Sin City, Constantine, Fantastic Four and Batman Begins as well as the fanfilm Batman: Dead End

Monday, March 07, 2005

Sound Level

It has come to our attention that the sound level in our podcast is very low. We were having some difficulty getting the recording level to be high enough. We are going to try some things for our second podcast and hopefully we can get things straightened out.

Please bear with us,

Bryan & Peter

First Episode

Hey there everyone. We are here with our first ever podcast.

Click here for the mp3 file of the podcast

In this episode we introduce ourselves, talk about what comics shipped last week, and introduce you to our regular feature "Stump the Rios." Bryan asks Peter comic book trivia questions and sees what he knows. Please join us.

Show Notes:

Get to Know Us Bryan and Peter introduce themselves and discuss how long they’ve been reading comics

Shipping this Week for the week of March 2, 2005 and spoiler free!

Stump the Rios Weekly trivia segment where Bryan asks Peter 3 trivia questions to test his comic knowledge. This week he is 2 out of 3

Websites mentioned: www.newsarama.com, www.ebay.com, www.digitalpriest.com

Friday, March 04, 2005

Email address

Thanks to a buddy of mine, we now have a gmail account here at comic geek speak.

Drop us a line at comicgeekspeak@gmail.com

Bryan & Peter


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