Episode 6 |
Episode 6 on MP3
Show Notes:
First Thoughts Bryan finally has seen the Incredibles and we learn why he would never be Superman
Emails Thanks to Lee Morgan for sending us an email and getting us into a discussion on new Marvel characters
Toys Peter gushes over his Donna Troy Heroclix gift (and her new mini-series) while Bryan shows off his new Bullseye Marvel Legends 9 with Galactus’ Left Leg
Movie Coming Attractions Marlon Brando in the new Superman? And just who is the best Batman?
Stump the Rios Peter gets 1.5 out of 3
Top Writer/Artists Don’t you just hate those guys (and gals) who can do both? Come and find out why we love Walter Simonson, Frank
Miller, Dave Sim, Will Eisner, Stan Sakai, Jack Kirby, Wally Wood, Mike Mignola and more.
Websites mentioned: www.dcbservice.com