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Saturday, March 12, 2005

Episode 3

Here's the third episode of Comic Geek Speak. The audio sounds much better than it ever has before. We are very pleased with the quality of this podcast. As mentioned in the show we want to give a very bigs thanks to Q at http://www.deltadreams.com
for composing the music that we are now using for our intro.

Episode 3 on MP3

Show Notes:

Guest Starring: Shane Mulholland

Top Five Artists & Writers Bryan, Peter and guest toy-junkie Shane list their Top Five picks in each category. Whose favorite writer is Keith Giffen? Whose favorite artist is John Romita Jr.? Whose favorite artist list has three hispanics on it? Haha. Also Bryan levels the room by calling attention to the Salvador Larocca artwork on X-Men.

Stump the Rios Peter, the DC nut, gets 3 out of 3 in this all Marvel segment. Complete with a new dance mix intro!

World of Toys Shane shows off his considerable knowledge of action figures with a run down of Palisades’ Muppet Figures, the upcoming Sesame Street figures, Marvel Legends Series 9 with Galactus, new Star Wars toys, etc.

Websites mentioned: www.deltadreams.com


  • As always, here's a little more info on the Trivia questions I was asked in this episode:

    Not only is Fantastic Four #52 Black Panther's first appearance, it is also the introduction of comicdom's first black superhero. I read the original story in Black Panther #36 (Dec'01) which was one of Marvel's "Monster Issues" full of backup reprint stories. The character of Panther instantly hit me as grand but arrogant as he quite easily beat the Fantastic Four in a test of their skill. He also smoked. If you've never read Christopher Priest's Black Panther run you are missing out on a run that is right up there with Ennis & Dillon's Preacher and James Robinson's Starman.

    Of course Johann Shmidt is the Red Skull, the ultimate foe of Captain America. Oddly enough, the first comics I read with the Red Skull was the storyline that led up to Captain America #300 and the death of the Skull. Of course he has been brought back many times but at the time, I really bought into the emotional aspect of Cap's #1 enemy dying. Oh how innocent I was back in my early reading days. And Oh, how I wish I could read books today with that same innocence!!

    Lucas Bishop was created by a Marvel Marketing decree stating "We need to sell a Black mutant character toy!". And lo and behold the answer was Bishop. I think the first time I read his real first name being mentioned was in an issue of X-Treme X-Men but I could be wrong. He certainly has come a long way from being just a gun-toting, teeth gnashing, chip on his shoulder type character.

    By Blogger Peter, at 3:13 PM  

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