Primanti Bros. Fun |
The CGS crew and a bunch of listeners went to dinner at Primanti Bros. on Saturday after the con. We had great food and even better conversation.
Monday, April 30, 2007
The CGS crew and a bunch of listeners went to dinner at Primanti Bros. on Saturday after the con. We had great food and even better conversation.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
If you're planning to come to the Pittsburgh Comicon this weekend, leave time in your schedule to attend the CGS Comics Trivia Showdown, Saturday at noon (room TBA). It's your chance to see the Geeks in person, show off your comics knowledge, and win some free stuff all at the same time! Our M.C., the celebrated Peter Rios, will be armed with a fresh batch of trivia questions, ready to stump all comers! No advance registration necessary; just show up at noon. We're preparing for a large-bracket tournament, so everyone who wants to play should get the chance. The more the merrier!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Now available on the Episodes page: the first of a new CGS episode format, Book of the Month Encore, in which the Geeks take the time to read and review comic texts that are closely related to past CGS Books of the Month. Since our BOMC picks are often brief excerpts from much larger stories or series, this format is a great chance for us (and you) to revisit and expand our understanding of these graphic masterworks in a broader context.
First up: as a follow-up to our discussion of "Cerebus: High Society," we look at "Cerebus: Church and State." With special guest DAVE SIM. Don't miss it. |